Hi, my name is Joslyn (:
Hello, I want to thank you for being here, your time is precious and I’m grateful you're choosing to spend it getting to know a bit about me and my art. My name is Joslyn, but I go by bunniii or jo. I’ve been painting since childhood, what started as doodles turned into a form of self-expression and self-acceptance. I hope to inspire humans to explore and heal themselves through art and expression.
My art represents constantly learning how to see yourself, heal yourself & love yourself. As I work every day to be true and compassionate to myself I encourage you to do the same.
See my art and remember that I’m rooting for you & wishing you the best in life. Always remember that the process to being comfortable in your authenticity should be managed with compassion, mindfulness & patience.
I love you, for you are me and I am you.
- jo